Property in Trinity-Bellwoods

59 Ossington Ave , Toronto


Property ID
For Sale
Property Type
Sale Of Business
Air Conditioning
Heating Type
Gas Forced Air Closd


IN THE HEART OF OSSINGTON AVE!!! Upscale and Chic Cocktail Bar with Full Kitchen. An eclectic and vibey spot, serving up IG-worthy cocktails and food. Improvement upgrades and equipment worth over $250K. Excellent Location, Design, and Optimized Seating Capacity & Smart Service Flow. An eclectic mix of Art Deco vibes fused with contemporary artwork like piano keys stuck to the ceiling or a collection of 63 Fornasetti plates on the wall. Revenue potential of $1.5-$2M!! Bring your entrepreneurial spirit to this AAA+ location and make your mark on Toronto's hottest strip! ...
Current total monthly rent just shy of $12K

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Location of the Property

59 Ossington Ave, Toronto, Ontario M6J 2Y9

Nearby Schools and Ratings

Source: Ontario school information and student demographics - grade 3 and 6 EQAO student achievements for reading, writing and mathematics, grade 9 EQAO academic and applied student achievements, grade 10 OSSLT student achievement | Open Government Licence - Ontario
Disclaimer: The property is not necessarily in the boundary of the schools shown above. There may be other, closer schools available that are not listed in the source, or the property can be in the boundary of farther schools that are not shown on this map. This tool is designed to provide the viewer an overview of the ratings of nearby public schools, and does not suggest association to school boundaries. To view all schools and boundaries please visit the respective district school board's website.
For further information and school ranking visit Fraser Institution and EQAO.

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More About 59 Ossington Ave

59 Ossington Ave is a Commercial Property located in the city of Toronto. 59 Ossington Ave has been listed For Sale at $350,000 since Aug 06 2024. This Sale Of Business Sale Of Business . Situated in Trinity-Bellwoods neighbourhood , with the nearest intersection being Bruce St..

